Joe's Original Tunes

Did you know Stan Clark, CEO and Founder of Eskimo Joe's has written and recorded original Eskimo Joe's music?!?


For Eskimo Joe’s 10th Anniversary, Stan recorded 2 songs, Last Night at Joe’s and The Juke Joint Shuffle, which were released on a double-sided 45 vinyl record. This record created quite an unusual promotional gimmick and was aired in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and on 14 radio stations across Oklahoma and Kansas. This drew a lot of attention to Eskimo Joe’s 10th anniversary celebration held in July of 1985, when for the first time, the celebration spilled onto Elm Street, marking the beginning of “Joe’s Week,” a huge street party that would become the largest single attraction to Stillwater except OSU football. Eskimo Joe’s anniversary celebrations attracted 1,000’s every year - a kind of reunion for OSU alums from all over the country. The size of the anniversary celebration became so significant that it became a media event, covered by most all of the television stations in Oklahoma, literally making Eskimo Joe’s a household word between 1985 and 1993. The last major street party celebrated Joe’s eighteenth anniversary in July 1993, attracting approximately 67,000 revelers over three nights.

In July of 1995, Eskimo Joe’s celebrated 20 years. To create excitement and publicity, Stan recorded and released a CD titled “Eskimo Joe’s Rhythm and Blues Review - 20 Years Later.” Another fun tune, Juke, Jump, and Jive, is that was created for our 24th Anniversary in 1999.

The last song released is All Roads Lead to Joe's which was done to commemorate the 35th Anniversary.

Eskimo Joe's IS Stillwater's Jumpin' Little Juke Joint and we hope that these original tunes will remind you of your most favorite times at Eskimo Joe's!