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Eskimo Joe's Clothes Customer Service

This contact can help you with Eskimo Joe's Clothes, issues with an online or phone order, returns or anything about our clothing line!

Feel free to call us at 1-800-256-JOES (5637)

Eskimo Joe's Restaurant and Bar

This contact can help you with questions, complaints, comments or compliments about the food, service and atmosphere at Eskimo Joe's.

Phone: 405-372-8896

For catering inquiries, please email

Public Relations and Marketing

This contact can help you with charity events sponsored by Eskimo Joe's like the Juke Joint Jog or the Joe's United Way Golf Classic, arranging a tour of one of our facilities (tours of our screen printing facility are available for groups of 10 or more depending on availability), booking our Joe and Buffy mascots, for an event and all media-related questions for Eskimo Joe's regarding a news story, press release, setup of news equipment at Joe's, interviews with Stan Clark, etc.

Donation requests are not handled in this area. Please use this link for info regarding Donation Requests and our Charitable Giving program

PR and Marketing Phone: 405-377-0799 ext. 320