Does Eskimo Joe's have other restaurant/bar locations other than Stillwater, OK?
Our original location is the one and only and there are currently no plans to change that... we are very proud of the operation we have established here in Stillwater and enjoy being a part of this great community!
How do I know if you have job openings at Eskimo Joe's and Eskimo Joe's Clothes?
You can click the JOBS tab in the upper right corner to view our current job openings or just simply follow this link!
What are the restaurant / bar hours of operation?
Eskimo Joe's restaurant / bar is open Monday and Tuesday from 11am to 10pm and Wednesday through Saturday from 11am to 2am with our kitchen closing at 10 pm each night. Our hours of operation on Sunday are 11am-9 pm.
Where is parking available for Eskimo Joe's and Joe's Clothes?
Eskimo Joe's provides parking for our guests all around our property. We have lots located directly north, northeast, east, and south. Parking lots are generally opened for guests @ 10 am and are closed @ 2 am each day. While school is in session at Oklahoma State, lots are monitored by an attendant to preserve parking for our guests and employees only. Our lots are strictly enforced.
Do you have to be 21 years of age or older to enter Eskimo Joe's?
We welcome people of all ages between 11am and 10 pm but require patrons to be 21 years of age and older during our bar hours, 10 pm-2 am. Our door staff will generally ID patrons at the door beginning @ 10 pm and also sweep through the facility to check the ID's of any dinner guest who is planning to stick around during these hours.
Do you take reservations?
Eskimo Joe's does not accept reservations and operates on a "first come, first serve" basis. When seating a large group, we ask that larger groups split into parties of 12 people or less to be seated. We can not guarantee that split parties will be seated together, but will always to our best to accommodate as much as business allows.
What forms of payment does Eskimo Joe's accept?
We accept just about all forms of payment except personal checks. (Cash and all major credit cards are welcome)
Eskimo Joe's will also accept purchase orders from organizations and send an invoice to the appropriate party for payment.
Eskimo Joe's will provide a tax exemption with the appropriate documentation. All tax exempt payments must be made with the organizations credit card or check. Tax exempt sales can be closed as a charge and billed to the appropriate party. Tax exempt sales can not be paid with cash or personal check.
Does Eskimo Joe's have any options for vegetarians?
Eskimo Joe's offers a delicious black bean burger in addition to all of our signature salads and pasta salads! We have several options that are sure to please!
What type of oil does Eskimo Joe's use for frying? Is it peanut oil?
Eskimo Joe's uses a low-fat, soybean oil for all of our fried items including our famous French fries!
Are Eskimo Joe's T-shirts one of the most collectible in the world?
The Tulsa World reported that Eskimo Joe's T-shirts are the #2 most collectible T-shirts in the world behind Hard Rock Cafe.